Thursday, August 9, 2007

Raise 'Em High

Tom Sawyer's Island is a treasure trove of visual imagery. As usual, no surface is left unthemed, and that includes those ever-present crates. This particular one is set on its side, but its worth the neck strain to read the clever pun. If there is ever a need to buy a pulley, look no further than "Raiz M. Heigh Pulley Manufacturer."


Jeffrey Pepper said...

I think you and I should form the


Walt Disney World Crate Appreciation Society

We could have websites, podcasts, annual conventions . . .

Whaddaya say?

Jessica said...

That sounds like a plan to me! I love that idea - as long as we could have shirts made to wear during these conventions. Just so no one would question our stooping and kneeling as we examine each and every wooden box on property.